The “Love, Sex, and Pleasure” podcast

This podcast is for ambitious, heart & soul-led women who want to have great sex & create thriving relationships. 

I’m here to help you fall in love with your pleasure, sensuality,  and deep feminine wisdom to empower your erotic expression & creativity to make your world and our collective a better place. 

Let’s learn together, loves!

In this episode I share how I went from feeling insecure to confident & in love with giving BJs, how connecting to my own sexuality & turn on allowed me to show up in amazing ways in my sex life with my partner, and many more!

In this episode I share the mindset and Tantric philosophy behind cock worship, how to make a blowjob sacred for you and your partner, and many more!

Have you ever given a BJ when you really didn’t want to? Does it sometimes feel like a drag or a chore, or something you “have to” do? 

If you’ve been in this spot (like I have) - I wanna share my best tips on how to change this dynamic so you can actually feel excited and available to give pleasure to your partner again. 

Do you ever feel guilty for wanting to say no to sex? Are you scared of hurting your partner’s feelings? Do you judge yourself for your no and spiral between wanting intimacy and your body saying no? 

Well, I got you boo! 

I share a Buddhist concept from one of my spiritual teachers, Thich Nhat Hanh around love, compassion, and taking action in our burning world. I talk about mature feminine leadership & how you can find the medicine you’re meant to give & actions you’re meant to take in the world during this time. 

I'm sharing with you my #1 relationship connection tool: Fears, Loves & Desires. This is a super simple communication practice you can use to connect more deeply with your partner, create safety to talk about sex, keep the spark alive in your relationship, and soooo much more! 

Been in a sex rut with your partner? Do you wanna bang but you're kinda frustrated and resistant? In this episode I share my concept of "fuck it" sex - and when it's good to have it, and when it's not.

In this episode, you’ll get to know me! I'm sharing the full story of how I became a sex, love & relationship coach, how I healed my own sexual trauma, reconnected with my sensuality, and how I healed patterns in toxic love.  We go way back on this one and start from my childhood til now!